

偏见是一种影响生活许多方面的偏见或扭曲, 从可获得的工作类型到政治家当选. “偏见”一词指的是对某种立场的思想或判断的倾向. 它可以是有意识的,也可以是无意识的,通常表现为一种毫无根据的观点, 引导人们在不考虑证据或其他观点的情况下坚持某种观点.


 The effects of bias are far-reaching and can shape our decisions from anything as serious as how we vote in elections to what food we buy at the grocery store.

不幸的是, 没有正确的理解或意愿来对抗这些偏见, it can become difficult for marginalized members in our communities to gain basic rights that so many others take for granted. Society must work together toward understanding bias and strive for greater inclusivity to create a level playing field for these marginalized members.  这个过程从克服这些偏见开始.

偏见有多种形式,有明显的,也有微妙的. 从基于性别和/或种族的工作场所歧视到无视科学的政治党派偏见, 在日常生活中,偏见的例子数不胜数.



有意识的偏见 有时被称为显性偏见. 这是你意识到的一种偏见. 偏见是有意识地发生的,因为你知道你是有偏见的,并且是有意图地行动. An individual with conscious bias is likely to be explicit with their beliefs and attitudes and behave with clear intent.  这种类型的偏见通常会导致一个人歧视他人或群体. 有意识的偏见通常带有恶意.

无意识的偏见 也被称为内隐偏见. 这是一种与有意识的偏见截然不同的偏见,原因如下. 无意识的偏见是在一个人的意识和控制之外运作的信念和态度. 无意识的偏见可能与你认为自己持有的信念和价值观形成直接对比. 你甚至可能没有意识到你持有这些偏见, 或者它们正在影响你的态度和行为.  无意识的偏见很难识别. 它们可能比有意识的偏见更能影响你的行动和行为,而你却没有意识到. 做一个内隐偏见测试可以帮助你识别你的无意识偏见.

除了两种主要的偏见, 还有其他一些因素会影响你与他人的互动和决策.  让我们来看看其他一些常见的偏见:

认知偏见 包括导致人们得出错误结论的心理捷径. Examples include confirmation bias (emphasizing facts that support one’s own view) and the overconfidence bias – deciding with inadequate research data because of overconfidence.

性别偏见 发生在某人因其性别认同而受到不同对待时, 无论是有意还是无意. Common examples include paying women lower salaries than men for equal positions and preferential treatment given to male employees.

 种族偏见 是一种基于种族、民族或国籍的歧视吗. It involves negative attitudes and stereotypes regarding individuals who belong to certain racial or ethnic backgrounds and can result in lower levels of education, 医疗保健, 财富, 以及生活的其他方面.

政治偏见 occurs when someone ignores facts supporting an opposing political agenda in favor of promoting their own party’s beliefs — regardless of factual evidence against them — often causing distortions in public opinion polls and research data used by regulatory entities like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

锚定的偏见 当你在做决定或采取行动时过于依赖某一条信息时,就会出现这种情况. This type of bias often leads to overvaluing that specific piece of 信息 while simultaneously ignoring all other factors.

刻板印象的偏见 is common in both personal and professional relationships and arises when people assign characteristics to someone based solely on their characteristics, 比如种族, 性别, 或种族. This type of biased behavior can limit access to resources or opportunities because of inaccurate assumptions about an individual’s ability or capacity.

确认偏误 refers to placing too much value on findings that support pre-existing beliefs without considering any opposing evidence that could potentially derail those beliefs. 确认偏误导致我们忽视研究数据, 信息, or evidence that could influence our decision-making process by contradicting our preconceived notions regarding a particular subject or topic.

光环效应 is another form of cognitive bias which involves individuals forming opinions about a person based solely on preconceived notions about them rather than facts or actual knowledge about their abilities or qualities. 例如, 如果你已经对一个人持有积极的看法, 这可能会让你对他们的能力或资历做出更有利的假设, 不管是否有实际的证据来支持它.       

可获得性偏差 occurs when we make decisions using only the most easily available data instead of considering alternative examples that may have more relevance to our decision at hand. 例如, instead of doing extensive research regarding a particular stock market trend before investing money in it – you might use your instincts solely as they’re more readily available than reliable research reports regarding such investments.


Having an open mind and respecting other people’s opinions are two of the most important things when it comes to avoiding bias in your work, 生活, 甚至个人价值观. 偏见是一件很难避免的事情, 我们很容易不假思索就陷入自己的判断和决定中. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你避免让你的偏见对你的决策产生负面影响.

认识到你的偏见 -避免偏见的第一步是意识到你从出生起就被编程的所有偏见. You need to recognize not only what you believe but why you believe it so you can understand where any prejudice may come from. This helps you become conscious of your personal limitations and provides a perspective on situations with a bit more clarity.

分析你的假设 – It’s a good idea to make sure that your thoughts and opinions are backed up with facts when making important decisions. 在你做出任何假设之前,在得出结论性陈述之前,做一次直觉检查, 因为这些通常都充满了偏见,就像刻板印象或信仰一样.

是开放的 拥有开放的思想意味着能够接受不同的观点,不管它们是否与你的观点相冲突. 通常,思想封闭会导致偏见,比如刻板印象,这会严重影响一个人的判断力. 练习谦逊将有助于认识到每个人的真正价值,尽管他们是种族, 性别, nationality 或种族; allowing for informed opinion making rather than biased assumptions fueled by external factors.

过滤掉不必要的细节 – It’s human nature to miss details while reading or listening which also makes it easier for misinterpretation leading to ill-informed bias based judgments or decisions. Always take the time needed when analyzing a situation before judging or making major decisions even if there’s ‘not enough time’.  Reviewing additional 信息 or a having a conversation with individuals who are more informed about a topic will help you filter out unnecessary bias and hopefully avoid prejudice.